Nov. 28, 2012

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[20:59:32] pilgrimish: sick Ken
[20:59:36] pilgrimish: I owe you a link
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[00:44:52] pilgrimish: Walt. Can you tell me.. I've been sitting here banging my head for hours trying to work out how to pull off a wget command the way Ken did it today..
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[11:45:48] pilgrimish: yo dudes
[11:45:53] pilgrimish: anyone a master of wget?
[11:46:00] pilgrimish: Ken made it look easy last night
[11:46:16] pilgrimish: and then I wasted 3 hours trying to make it look just as easy
[11:46:25] pilgrimish: and failed miserably
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[12:17:00] kenbolton:
[12:48:58] thisgeek: @kenbolton Hmm. Requires old Xcode
[12:51:54] kenbolton: ah. i didn't even try it. bitches.
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[12:57:21] pilgrimish: can anyone give me a leg up on the wget command?
[12:57:37] kenbolton: pilgrimish: hells to the yeah.
[12:57:43] kenbolton: wget <url>
[12:57:44] pilgrimish: dude, you made it look so easy!
[12:58:01] pilgrimish: alright, so typically that would work
[12:58:03] kenbolton: NB: `man wget` will give you the docs.
[12:58:13] pilgrimish: but I'm getting permissions errors all over the place!
[12:58:14] kenbolton: wget is short for web-get, i think.
[12:58:36] kenbolton: what is your present working dir? `pwd` is the command.
[12:58:54] pilgrimish: i'm trying to drop that .so file into /usr/lib/mysql/plugin
[12:58:57] walterd: 23FGM
[12:58:58] walterd: 
[12:59:17] kenbolton: pilgrimish: ok, so you have two options.
[12:59:36] pilgrimish: walterd: is that a/s/l
[13:00:00] kenbolton: 1) run wget from ~/Downloads/ (or whereever) and then copy the file to /usr/lib/mysql/plugin/
[13:00:01] pilgrimish: kenbolton: listening
[13:00:12] kenbolton: 2) sudo wget <url>
[13:00:32] kenbolton: NB: `sudo <cmd>` will almost always resolve those permission issues.
[13:00:46] kenbolton: (assuming you are in the list of sudoers.)
[13:00:49] kenbolton: evildoers.
[13:01:02] kenbolton: watch me free-associate!
[13:01:15] walterd: sorry cat on keys
[13:01:36] walterd: pimgrimish: haha
[13:02:10] pilgrimish: kenbolton: how does one get onto sudoers list?
[13:02:41] pilgrimish: 2) i tried that method, but i'm not on sudoers
[13:03:13] pilgrimish: kenbolton: 1) copy the file into /usr/lib/mysql/plugin using scp?
[13:03:18] kenbolton: if you don't have permission to modify /usr/lib/mysql/plugin/ then you are out of luck.
[13:03:28] kenbolton: ls -la /usr/lib/mysql/plugin/
[13:04:03] kenbolton: just plain `sudo cp`.
[13:04:11] kenbolton: can your login as root?
[13:05:50] pilgrimish: logged in as dfiege
[13:07:24] pilgrimish: kenbolton: so in essence, you're saying, i need to get a dedicated server or I'm SOL
[13:07:52] kenbolton: pilgrimish: no, you just need permission to write to that directory.
[13:08:22] kenbolton: do you have root access? can you contact whoever has root access and have them drop that file in?
[13:08:46] pilgrimish: kenbolton: assuming that would be a sysadmin with Dreamhost, correct?
[13:09:00] pilgrimish: don't believe I can get root access on a shared server
[13:09:33] kenbolton: probably not.
[13:09:49] kenbolton: shared hosting is probably not optimal for what you are looking to do.
[13:11:17] pilgrimish: right
[13:11:19] pilgrimish: damn
[13:11:24] pilgrimish: shyte
[13:12:14] kenbolton: well, ultimately you will be deploying to cloud.
[13:12:22] kenbolton: but DAN!!!!
[13:12:29] pilgrimish: that's the idea
[13:13:00] kenbolton: pilgrimish: stop relying on the internet! use your local machine. build your cloud in virtualbox (and/or vagrant)!
[13:13:17] kenbolton: you are building a "proof of concept".
[13:15:00] pilgrimish: kenbolton: totally agree, but when it comes time to deploy to production, everything will have to translate to the web and if shared hosting accounts can't handle this ClouSE implementation, then dreaming it up on my local is redundant.
[13:15:48] kenbolton: pilgrimish: i believe that shared hosting is actually the antithesis of the cloud.
[13:16:16] pilgrimish: starting to get that feeling
[13:17:26] kenbolton: others should feel free to disabuse me of that notion, if they can.
[13:31:37] pilgrimish: kenbolton: thanks for the clarification (banging head on desk)
[13:31:59] kenbolton: is this for niche?
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[14:04:59] kenbolton: pilgrimish: is that for niche?
[14:05:17] pilgrimish: kenbolton: nope. client site.
[14:06:31] walterd: pilgrimish: do you get your own mysql database?
[14:07:05] walterd: err rather can you start/stop the database?
[14:09:18] pilgrimish: walterd: i would assume the answer to that question is yes. i create the database and can access it via phpmyadmin
[14:09:39] walterd: you may be able to load plugins from a local directory
[14:10:02] pilgrimish: via phpmyadmin
[14:10:58] walterd: hmmm. maybe - or maybe conf file / binary flag
[14:11:30] kenbolton: pilgrimish: i'm confused as to why you are trying to load a cloud framework onto a shared host.
[14:12:07] walterd: yeah i think the point of shared hosts is that they typically give you everything you need.
[14:12:10] kenbolton: pilgrimish: its like tyring to put a GE jet engine into a hyundai accent.
[14:12:29] pilgrimish: kenbolton:
[14:12:37] pilgrimish: does this make more sense?
[14:12:40] walterd: i usually don't do any work for someone with shared hosting because you have so little control over your options
[14:12:57] kenbolton: walterd: yeah, its a deal-breaker for me, too.
[14:13:15] kenbolton: pilgrimish: not really.
[14:13:37] pilgrimish: walterd: we're talking small site, but a lot of images served in the same web page which is causing a lag
[14:13:55] pilgrimish: so the thought is that images can be served from s3 to boost the speed of page load
[14:14:05] walterd: boto
[14:14:26] walterd: use
[14:14:45] kenbolton: pilgrimish: clouse is probably the wrong tool. boto would get you there.
[14:14:47] walterd: create a script that puts on your images onto s3 automatically
[14:15:24] walterd: use cloud front for super speed
[14:15:33] kenbolton: pilgrimish: forcing that work onto the database will likely create a performance bottle-neck at your DB.
[14:16:26] kenbolton: when all you really want to do is offload the image serving.
[14:16:41] pilgrimish: walterd: would python boto work for php wordpress?
[14:16:47] pilgrimish: kenbolton: duly noted
[14:17:24] walterd: pilgrimish: well it wouldn't be plug and play. how does clouse work?
[14:17:38] kenbolton: pilgrimish: you would write a (relatively small) python application that pushes the images up to your storage.
[14:18:23] pilgrimish: walterd: clouse works in conjunction with wp2cloud
[14:18:48] kenbolton: pilgrimish: the hard part is writing the redirect to get the images to load from the cloud.
[14:18:48] pilgrimish: kenbolton: and then "plug that in to WP"
[14:18:53] walterd: kenbolton: only other step i would think is the
[14:18:58] walterd: kenbolton: yeah that haha
[14:19:02] kenbolton: no, it would live totally outside of WP.
[14:20:08] kenbolton: that redirection, though, might be as simple as an nginx redirect directive for everything under /image/.
[14:20:42] walterd: kenbolton: one way to do it is use a cron to push images up every so often - but that leaves a gap before images are available. is there any other way to run script in this situation?
[14:21:17] kenbolton: walterd: a hook that looks for FS changes?
[14:21:33] kenbolton: so the python application would run forever?
[14:21:36] walterd: kenbolton: depending on what access he has to with nginx config
[14:21:58] kenbolton: indeed.
[14:22:06] kenbolton: assuming he even has nginx!
[14:22:11] pilgrimish: … right
[14:22:17] walterd: essentially forever
[14:22:34] walterd: i can't think of any other way
[14:22:50] kenbolton:
[14:22:53] walterd: can you run custom php scripts?
[14:23:58] walterd: ah cool. same idea i think - different packaging
[14:24:42] kenbolton: instead of boto (which i love, btw) you could drop the python req and try php-aws:
[14:25:11] walterd: kenboloton: yeah - thats what I was thinking.
[14:25:24] kenbolton: walterd: that you love boto?
[14:25:31] kenbolton: such good stuff
[14:25:49] walterd: haha that too. but using php, since thats whats being utlilized
[14:25:57] kenbolton: gotcha
[14:26:46] walterd: pilgrimish: for shared servers, you can also ask ADMIN (dream host) to install packages for you - sometimes they'll do it.
[14:27:10] kenbolton: pilgrimish: here we are suggesting you roll your own. sorry!
[14:27:44] walterd: kenbolton: well my thought is, even if he rolls his own, he'll run into the same admin headaches.
[14:27:47] walterd: potentially
[14:27:49] pilgrimish: i just made all of this up
[14:27:58] pilgrimish: just trying to get you guys excited
[14:27:58] pilgrimish: haha
[14:28:10] pilgrimish: i'm kidding
[14:28:13] kenbolton: you know we love to solve problems.
[14:28:16] walterd: you've fooled me for the last time fiege
[14:28:27] pilgrimish: walterd: sdkforphp looks promising
[14:28:52] kenbolton: pilgrimish: that is probably worth grokking regardless of your success w/ clouse.
[14:28:53] walterd: that was ken's hunting
[14:29:10] kenbolton: that was amazon via google.
[14:29:24] walterd: massive tree just went down in beacon by roundhouse. i think (hope) it was a planned take down.
[14:29:38] kenbolton: yikes!
[14:29:50] pilgrimish: into the creek?
[14:29:53] kenbolton: is it blocking any roads? i was about to drive home from b**2.
[14:30:44] kenbolton:
[14:30:47] walterd: i dunno. i'm was looking out my office window and saw the top of it shake a while ago. now i don't see anything.
[14:31:46] walterd: is this the key takeaway: " I have a working proof of concept of Vagrant powering VMWare Fusion, with support for vSphere and Workstation to follow. "
[14:31:56] kenbolton: yes yes yes!
[14:32:04] kenbolton: for me!
[14:32:11] walterd: very cool
[14:32:16] kenbolton: the AWS one, in particular. i've been bitching about that for a few weeks.
[14:32:34] walterd: yeah i remember that
[15:02:00] pilgrimish: kenbolton: thanks again
[15:02:04] pilgrimish: walterd: to both of you
[15:02:14] pilgrimish: i'm working it out as best i can
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