June 13, 2013

[21:13:35] makrohn: joins
[21:13:46] makrohn: leaves
[21:32:07] kenbolton: joins
[21:59:38] kenbolton: leaves
[08:54:45] jczuy: joins
[09:08:33] kenbolton: joins
[10:42:47] dorkscript: joins
[12:09:30] dorkscript: I'm headed to this meetup tonight http://www.meetup.com/Hadoop-NYC/events/118226212/
[13:07:45] jczuy: I just joined the waiting list
[14:59:47] dorkscript: jczuy: i'll let you know as i find about future events so you can sign up quick
[15:00:14] jczuy: dorkscript: Yes please
[15:00:54] kenbolton: i just *nailed* the interview to continue development of the tool that does this: https://kyc-files.s3.amazonaws.com/scan_pdfs/httpdecormyeyescom_2012-08-20_21-15-30-UTC_qgGRxg.pdf
[15:01:43] kenbolton: made my python loving machine-learning learning heroku aspiring ass giddy.
[15:12:56] jczuy: interesting pdf
[15:13:18] kenbolton: right? api consumption, screen scraping.
[15:16:15] jczuy: yeah - also chance at semantic searching (is it Pawn - to sell or Pawn the chess piece)
[16:25:22] dorkscript: jczuy: looks like some spots opened up
[16:28:12] jczuy: ok - I am attending
[16:29:51] kenbolton: have fun guys!
[16:32:04] kenbolton: http://www.modern.ie/en-us/virtualization-tools#downloads
[16:32:06] dorkscript: awesome. i sent an email to alex about it too
[16:32:12] kenbolton: VMs for testing IE!
[16:32:44] jczuy: one for each 7, 8, 9 and 10?
[16:33:09] kenbolton: and for nearly every virtualization environment across windows, mac, and linux!
[16:34:12] kenbolton: jczuy: w/ the semantic searching, notice "Presciption" eyeware vs. "Prescription" pharmaceuticals.
[16:34:31] kenbolton: or "fetish" as a brand name vs. an adult content site.
[16:34:51] jczuy: kenbolton: yeah - to me that is a really interesting problem
[16:34:53] kenbolton: really interesting, they also have an algo to check if the domain is parked.
[16:35:07] jczuy: dorkscript: Meet before or meet there?
[16:35:17] dorkscript: give me a few
[16:36:27] kenbolton: now now now
[16:36:34] jczuy: starts at 7:00 - should take me about 20 minutes to get there
[16:41:12] dorkscript: it will take me about 20 min or so to get there too
[16:41:22] dorkscript: we can meet up before
[16:42:15] dorkscript: jczuy send me an email to arron g at googles and i'll give you my num
[16:43:45] jczuy: sent
[16:47:47] kenbolton: dorkscript, jczuy: there is a private message function on IRC.
[16:48:02] dorkscript: oops
[16:48:03] dorkscript: haha
[16:48:13] kenbolton: my connection is SSL and SASL.
[16:48:16] dorkscript: i just didn't want it logging to the web
[16:48:21] jczuy: kenbolton: catch the next train in and meet us
[16:48:30] dorkscript: kenbolton: +1
[16:48:52] kenbolton: ugh, if i didn't wake up at 4:30 to drive aurora to the airport, i would consider it.
[16:49:11] jczuy: kenbolton: ouch
[16:49:22] dorkscript: yuck
[16:49:35] kenbolton: the AM was implied.
[16:50:45] kenbolton: https://www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2013/06/more_on_feudal.html
[17:41:02] jczuy: leaves
[17:41:13] dorkscript: leaves