May 27, 2018

[20:14:34] kenbolton[m]: Ems, fire, and police at every trailhead between cold spring and beacon during my afternoon commute. Someone fell and died yesterday free climbing the quarry at bull hill.
[22:34:27] alex[m]6:
[22:34:51] alex[m]6: both 3 injuries today, and the death yesterday ^^^
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[16:12:15] kenbolton[m]: i still love, one of the best early(ish) javascript applications.
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[17:26:17] thisgeek[m]: > My preemptive condolences to all the dev teams who eventually notice that they committed users’ email addresses to a repo at some point, so the only way to satisfy data deletion requests is to alter years-old commits and force push everywhere.
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