Nov. 13, 2013

[19:07:46] kenbolton: joins
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[19:37:44] waltd3: [5:46pm]
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[19:42:10] thisgeek: Alternate data set, holidays
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[19:47:51] kenbolton: `/msg ChanServ topic #digitalsalon Next Meeting Nov 12 7pm @ Bank^2 | |`
[19:48:59] kenbolton: hello?
[19:49:04] mczuy: hello?
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[22:58:19] mczuy: @jczuy how would i inport the randRange function as a particular function
[22:59:52] jczuy: What function do you want to use?
[23:00:17] jczuy: Format is usually:
[23:00:17] jczuy: from ModuleName import function_name
[23:00:54] mczuy: yes but if the function uses parameters how do i show that?
[23:01:08] jczuy: random.random() returns a number from 0 to 1 (but does not include 1)
[23:05:16] mczuy: yes but i want to use random.randrange(x,y) that retuurns a random number from the range x to y not including y
[23:05:17] jczuy: try dir(function) in python shell
[23:05:17] jczuy: or help(function name)
[23:07:46] jczuy: Here is some info on it:
[23:07:47] jczuy:
[23:10:17] jczuy: random.randint(0,5) is what I think you are looking for
[23:10:17] mczuy: randrange gives an integer i do believe but im more asking what to put for the inport line
[23:10:18] mczuy: like what does it look like for a inport of a function thats needs parameters
[23:10:19] jczuy: import random
[23:10:38] mczuy: o yeah
[23:10:41] jczuy: then you can do: r = random.randint(0,5)
[23:10:41] mczuy: that way
[23:10:54] jczuy: will give r a value from 0 to 5
[23:12:14] jczuy: or you could do: from random import randint
[23:12:39] jczuy: then use it like this: r = randint(0,5)
[23:12:39] mczuy: yeah
[23:14:03] jczuy: got it?
[23:17:21] mczuy: yeah
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