March 19, 2013

[07:35:49] pilgrimish: joins
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[10:22:16] kenbolton: saw this the other day and going to make my way through it this afternoon, i think:
[10:22:17] kenbolton:
[11:11:06] pilgrimish: joins
[11:48:05] kenbolton: pilgrimish: would also love to get a walkthrough of what you've been working on.
[11:48:23] pilgrimish: kenbolton: been learning expression engine
[11:48:32] pilgrimish: out of necessity
[11:48:36] kenbolton: ah, si.
[11:48:55] pilgrimish: but looking to get into that Django/Mezzanine complex
[11:48:59] kenbolton: ha!
[11:49:07] kenbolton: competition, eh?
[11:49:28] pilgrimish: gotta up the ante, been feeling the restrictions of Wordpress lately
[11:49:42] kenbolton: one of joslyn's classmates, was really into EE.
[11:49:59] kenbolton: woops, editing inline and hitting enter without reading.
[11:54:42] pilgrimish: i like the look of it
[11:55:01] pilgrimish: looks more like a tempting language
[11:55:04] pilgrimish: haha
[11:55:05] pilgrimish: templating
[11:55:10] kenbolton: which, EE?
[11:55:18] pilgrimish: yea
[11:55:23] kenbolton: oooh, its snowing hard again!
[11:55:38] pilgrimish: i know, was considering walking, but saw rain
[11:55:42] pilgrimish: i think i will move now
[11:55:58] pilgrimish: going to relocate, slowly move toward bsq
[11:56:03] kenbolton: mm, maybe we should snowshoe tonight and talk instead of sitting around computers.
[11:56:20] pilgrimish: … exceptional idea
[11:56:25] kenbolton: hiked last night, was epic!
[11:56:30] kenbolton: arron, brad, me, and pi.
[11:56:40] pilgrimish: with snowshoes?
[11:56:58] kenbolton: brad go stalked by coyote, then we caught up with him and chased the mama and her pups toward my car.
[11:57:04] kenbolton: no, just boots.
[11:57:15] pilgrimish: sounds amazing
[11:57:28] pilgrimish: i was on the riverfront when it started coming down
[11:57:33] kenbolton: nice.
[11:57:38] kenbolton: may, i wanna go paddle.
[11:57:42] kenbolton: man, rather.
[11:58:00] pilgrimish: you see the skipper beached on the shore
[11:58:07] pilgrimish: talk of the town
[11:58:11] kenbolton: yeah, i've talked to jefferey a bunch.
[11:58:24] pilgrimish: dude's got it rough
[11:58:24] kenbolton: nice guy, really bright, yet *faded*.
[11:58:36] kenbolton: like 420/24/7.
[11:58:57] pilgrimish: 420 and the seas
[11:58:59] pilgrimish: that'll do it to you
[11:59:13] kenbolton: his life is easy. he is living for free.
[11:59:23] kenbolton: i'm not sure if he's sea-legal...
[11:59:38] pilgrimish: tell me about it, if it were a car, it'd been towed by now
[11:59:40] kenbolton: but coast guard are the only ones who would bother checking.
[12:00:30] kenbolton: OC sheriff don't care until april 1 when they pull their boat out again.
[12:00:40] pilgrimish: i was thinking, shakespeare on the water, drop one or two of those modular army bridges into the bay there, by the kayak racks, setup seating on all three sides
[12:00:46] kenbolton: paul, me, and the eagles have been the only ones out.
[12:00:57] pilgrimish: paul is the black rider?
[12:01:12] kenbolton: no, paul is the chip designer.
[12:01:19] pilgrimish: ah, yes
[12:01:28] pilgrimish: met him at jim and allyson's
[12:02:53] pilgrimish: alright, walking down the hill, be in touch if you want to reformulate the plan tonight
[12:02:55] kenbolton: he and i did a RI trip last summer.
[12:03:12] kenbolton: everybody remote!
[12:03:13] pilgrimish: oh, that dude
[12:03:20] kenbolton: decentralized digital salon.
[12:03:28] pilgrimish: say the word and we can do it
[12:03:46] pilgrimish: just reach out to jamie, walt and doug and i think we'd be covered
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