Dec. 30, 2014

[19:40:00] pilgrimish: joins
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[16:03:26] thisgeek: joins
[16:04:01] thisgeek: A very special episode of the salon tonight:
[16:08:30] thisgeek: jamieczuy: You in for tonight?
[16:09:26] jamieczuy: yes i am
[16:09:36] jamieczuy: With Mark
[16:09:49] jamieczuy: No Alex it is his birthday
[16:11:51] jamieczuy: Cool - We will try to get there early
[16:24:16] jamieczuy: thisgeek: When are you going to ge tthere?
[16:41:00] pilgrimish: joins
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[16:55:53] jamieczuy: hey guys - Mark and I should be there (Bank SQ.) at like 6ish
[16:56:44] kenbolton: whoa, it is crowded in here! i’ll come a little early, too. met some new people today who might make it, also.
[16:57:17] kenbolton: leaves
[16:57:22] jamieczuy: Did you see what Chris sent - there is a Meteor Hack Night there tonight
[17:05:30] jamieczuy: leaves
[17:06:14] thisgeek: jamieczuy: Probably 6:30.
[17:06:37] thisgeek: Trying to finish some PCI training before I show up.
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