May 22, 2018

[12:47:12] gus_mustakas[m]: ken how do you like living in Roundtree?
[12:47:28] kenbolton[m]: nice and quiet, good & considerate neighbors, generally. a few people drive too fast, but that is mostly their problem.
[12:47:31] kenbolton[m]: lots of dogs.
[12:47:34] kenbolton[m]: wanna buy my house?
[12:47:57] kenbolton[m]: in five days it will be thirteen years.
[12:48:37] gus_mustakas[m]: ha maybe one day
[12:48:42] gus_mustakas[m]: but my buddy bought one and wants to rent to us
[12:48:47] kenbolton[m]: we've got a pool!
[12:48:50] kenbolton[m]: oh, which one did he buy?
[12:49:52] kenbolton[m]: there are only two that aren't currently occupied. must be one of the older ones. i've only been in a few of those.
[12:50:28] gus_mustakas[m]: #19
[12:51:53] kenbolton[m]: wow. deb's spot. she was a community favorite who passed last year. i ididn't even know it was on the market.
[12:52:29] gus_mustakas[m]: yeah that's what my bud said...
[12:52:38] kenbolton[m]: i know everyone on that row except 17 and 25.
[12:54:12] kenbolton[m]: the folks in 21 call me "keith" (and i can't complain cause i don't remember their names) and have a dog named apache.
[12:55:30] kenbolton[m]: gus_mustakas: the slack line yesterday was great. i have lots of room for improvement, but i moved slowly down the line.
[12:56:24] kenbolton[m]: the dog walk down liberty to the bridge and back is beautiful year round.
[14:02:30] gus_mustakas[m]: Is there a meetup tonight?
[14:02:55] kenbolton[m]: bank square.
[14:03:15] gus_mustakas[m]: coolio
[14:03:20] oxbits[m]: woot! - i'm coming
[18:45:39] nwsokoloff[m]: I’ll be there around 7:30