June 21, 2018

[23:57:16] pilgrimish_: leaves
[23:57:16] pilgrimish: leaves
[01:04:22] pilgrimish: joins
[01:04:23] pilgrimish_: joins
[06:38:11] pilgrimish_: leaves
[06:38:11] pilgrimish: leaves
[10:08:33] kenbolton[m]: the last paragraph in the last comment... wow! https://forums.aws.amazon.com/thread.jspa?threadID=219681
[10:12:22] kenbolton[m]: Using the inspector worked to create the launch configuration.
[13:24:41] oxbits[m]: so what you are saying is that if spot instances are not available, you can make them available?
[13:25:39] kenbolton[m]: if they should be available but seem to not be. if you can launch spot instances from sources outside launch configurations, but not within launch configs.
[17:40:39] alex[m]5: anyone a reactjs wiz?
[17:41:43] alex[m]5: i'm trying to use a local copy of tinymce and i am getting this:
[17:42:33] alex[m]5: ```Unexpected use of 'name' no-restricted-globals```