June 22, 2018

[20:03:41] gus_mustakas[m]: I dont think it likes the way you are using name...
[20:04:04] gus_mustakas[m]: lol sorry... that was funny in my head.
[20:04:21] alex[m]5: ha ha
[20:04:39] alex[m]5: it was funny when i read it
[20:04:58] alex[m]5: slackbot is going bonkers
[20:06:39] alex[m]5: https://www.tinymce.com/docs/integrations/react/
[20:06:42] gus_mustakas[m]: wohooo
[20:06:43] alex[m]5: i did this ^^^
[20:06:46] alex[m]5: and it works
[20:07:07] alex[m]5: but it uses cloud hosted tinymce
[20:07:58] alex[m]5: i can host my own copy of tinymce and it works fine for non-react stuff
[20:08:18] alex[m]5: just haven't wrapped my head around react imports yet
[20:09:52] alex[m]5: apparently same tinymce js file works fine for non-react, but react app chokes on the use of 'name'
[20:10:35] alex[m]5: gus_mustakas have u done much react?
[20:11:10] gus_mustakas[m]: not one bit yet... I contemplated trying to use it for this dashboard I am currently freelancing. but i think maybe not.
[20:11:29] alex[m]5: i am diving in
[20:11:55] alex[m]5: not sure how deep the water is
[20:12:00] alex[m]5: 😜
[20:12:53] alex[m]5: thanks for the ping, gotta run ttyl...
[07:27:39] thisgeek[m]: alex I got some react.
[07:28:03] oxbits[m]: ever see the issue i mentioned above?
[07:29:21] alex[m]5: js lib works in non-react world
[07:29:22] alex[m]5: chokes in react world
[07:29:22] alex[m]5: `no-restricted-globals`
[07:38:34] thisgeek[m]: You’ve violated a lint rule.
[07:39:10] thisgeek[m]: Are you building a particular project?
[07:41:31] alex[m]5: I am trying to self host the use of tinymce's tinymce.js or tinymce.min.js file so I can use their wysiwyg editor in a react component
[08:03:48] thisgeek[m]: Are you seeing the error at build time or run time?
[08:07:48] tim[m]2: alex The react instructions give non-cloud version as well
[08:07:49] tim[m]2: https://www.tinymce.com/docs/integrations/react/#loadingtinymcebyyourself
[08:08:31] tim[m]2: Also, can you paste your import
[08:19:48] alex[m]5: thisgeek build time, which is probably an indication i shouldn't do it that way
[08:20:19] alex[m]5: tim yes, i saw that before, i will try again
[08:20:40] thisgeek[m]: The linter’s trying to tell you that you violated https://eslint.org/docs/rules/no-restricted-globals
[08:28:57] alex[m]5: thisgeek i really don't think i should be building it in
[08:28:58] alex[m]5: tim which html do I put it in? public/index.html or the html in the react component?
[08:29:44] tim[m]2: public/index.html
[08:30:25] tim[m]2: script tags don’t play nice inside react components (generally)
[08:30:28] alex[m]5: cool, thank you both! thisgeek & tim
[08:30:43] tim[m]2: what were you doing before when you got the error from the linter?
[08:32:18] alex[m]5: I was trying to import it in the component, i guess, to get built with the react component?
[08:32:45] alex[m]5: which apparently it not the way
[08:33:13] alex[m]5: (though maybe it could work if the js file did not break the lint rule?)
[08:34:45] alex[m]5: making newb errors, walking around blindfolded until I run into walls
[08:34:51] alex[m]5: I have to work on something else, but i'm gonna look at this later and report back
[08:35:05] alex[m]5: thanks again
[08:39:12] tim[m]2: Can’t say without seeing what you were doing
[08:40:22] alex[m]5: i'm gonna look now
[08:46:00] alex[m]5: tim I am starting with create-react-app
[08:50:05] M_slack_digitals: https://memegenerator.net/img/instances/53270254/yeah-if-you-could-just-show-me-some-code-thatd-be-great.jpg
[08:53:00] tim[m]2: yeah, that ^ 😂
[08:57:54] alex[m]5: ```<script src="/tinymce/tinymce.min.js"></script>```
[08:57:59] alex[m]5: added this to public/index.html
[08:58:52] tim[m]2: is that what you did when you had the error?
[08:59:02] alex[m]5: ```import { Editor } from '@tinymce/tinymce-react';```
[08:59:03] alex[m]5: no this is the new approach, per our chat
[08:59:36] tim[m]2: Ah, I was trying to help you figure out why you had the error.
[08:59:37] tim[m]2: Is this new way working?
[09:00:16] alex[m]5: not yet
[09:00:19] alex[m]5: but I'm feeling better about it
[09:00:26] alex[m]5: ```import { Editor } from '@tinymce/tinymce-react';```
[09:00:42] alex[m]5: this is import in App.js ^^^
[09:00:44] alex[m]5: (before new way)
[09:01:13] tim[m]2: yup, that looks right. Just import`Editor` wherever you want to use the component
[09:01:45] alex[m]5: OH SNAP!!!
[09:01:53] alex[m]5: it "just works"!!
[09:02:08] tim[m]2: 👍
[09:02:58] alex[m]5: I always have a hard time with "it just works"
[09:05:03] alex[m]5: gotta run, thanks again, ttyl!...
[09:59:32] thisgeek[m]: alex It sounds like the problem you ran into relates to you model of how to handle importing dependencies. If that’s at all reasonable, you didn’t hit up against a react thing so much as an ES6 thing.
[10:00:47] thisgeek[m]: Anybody use /call yet? It works for me at my job. We could share screens.
[10:49:08] tim[m]2: thisgeek is that the same as going to someone’s profile and clicking call? if so, then I’ve used it a bit and it seems to work well
[10:53:16] thisgeek[m]: Haven't done it that way.
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