July 11, 2018

[20:53:43] thisgeek[m]: Sorry I missed out tonight. Friends of mine were thrown into a custody battle and we were helping out.
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[09:48:21] thisgeek[m]: <!here> Next week’s salon’s at Beahive. Please RSVP if you’re going: https://www.meetup.com/Digital-Salon/events/cjmjdlyxkbwb/. I will cancel the event if no one responds by end of day.
[12:56:27] nwsokoloff[m]: my vagrant and my ec2 are both giving me fatal errors saying they cant log in to the HOSTS
[12:56:33] nwsokoloff[m]: not sure how to trouble shoot that
[12:58:28] kenbolton[m]: You mean you can't ssh in?
[12:58:57] gus_mustakas[m]: joins
[12:58:58] gus_mustakas[m]: can you ssh?
[12:59:07] gus_mustakas[m]: oops... jynx ken
[13:05:04] nwsokoloff[m]: i run fab deploy but do i need to ssh in first?
[13:21:31] kenbolton[m]: Not first, but if you can't connect via ssh, Fabric won't do anything.
[13:22:42] kenbolton[m]: Wrt Vagrant, is it up? Can you 'vagrant ssh'?
[13:50:42] nwsokoloff[m]: ok so that works
[13:50:52] nwsokoloff[m]: now how do i do that with ec2?
[13:58:44] nwsokoloff[m]: oohhh! ssh -i will do that with ec2
[14:00:04] M_slack_digitals: joins
[14:00:09] M_slack_digitals: https://digitalsalon.slack.com/archives/C1L7134P4/p1526920915000409
[17:04:58] thisgeek[m]: Anyone tried rolling back a version of something installed via homebrew?
[17:05:04] thisgeek[m]: I’m working on rolling back from python 3.7 to 3.6.
[17:06:34] kenbolton[m]: i've never rolled back, but have installed multiple versions of postgres and symlinked the one i want to be default.
[17:07:12] kenbolton[m]: used `brew switch`, if memory serves.
[17:20:32] jamie[m]1: joins
[17:20:34] jamie[m]1: thisgeek Let me know how that goes - `brew install awscli` upgraded my python to 3.7
[17:21:32] jamie[m]1: Broke a lot - some were fixed by `brew upgrade <tool>`
[17:22:10] thisgeek[m]: switch did cure all the ills for me
[17:22:31] jamie[m]1: Shoot - wish you hadn’t editted that
[17:30:25] thisgeek[m]: Worse off really.
[17:30:52] kenbolton[m]: eek
[17:32:54] thisgeek[m]: Tried to symlink 3.7 to 3.6, but nope.
[17:33:13] jamie[m]1: Yeah - similar experience - I think for vim I did `brew uninstall` and then `brew install vim` - been trying a lot of things on both my computers - home and work
[17:33:52] jamie[m]1: And I need to redo settings
[17:35:36] thisgeek[m]: jamie Tried that too. Same result.
[17:37:12] thisgeek[m]: The install pours from a bottle. I assume that isn’t enough for vim to catch on that the environment has a different path to its python. I bet I’d need it to install from source.
[17:37:59] thisgeek[m]: Trying: `brew reinstall --build-from-source vim` now
[17:38:49] jamie[m]1: Are you leaving 3.7 as your system’s python3?
[17:38:50] thisgeek[m]: No.
[17:39:05] jamie[m]1: I am using pyenv and using 3.6.4 globally
[17:39:11] thisgeek[m]: I’m reinstalling after `brew switch`
[17:39:43] jamie[m]1: but 3.7 is still installed and used where pyenv doesn’t take over
[17:39:54] thisgeek[m]: OK. `--build-from-source did the trick.
[17:40:20] thisgeek[m]: 😅
[17:41:38] jamie[m]1: How are you going to prevetn it from happening again?
[17:48:43] thisgeek[m]: Well I’ve never used switch before. I’m not sure.
[17:49:05] thisgeek[m]: I’ll do the old professor trick: “Great question. What do you think?”
[17:49:16] kenbolton[m]: does brew pin still work?
[17:49:36] thisgeek[m]: ```
[17:50:01] jamie[m]1: I mean the original upgrading Python - for me - it happened when I install awscli
[17:50:01] thisgeek[m]: I guess so.
[17:50:49] thisgeek[m]: Although what’s interesting about pin…
[17:50:50] jamie[m]1: yeah I guess pin is the way to go - hmm - pin everythng!
[17:51:05] thisgeek[m]: Not quite an accurate picture.
[17:51:36] jamie[m]1: What the “stable” part?
[17:58:13] thisgeek[m]: Don’t know. Scanning doc with a baby on my chest.
[17:59:13] thisgeek[m]: Guess it means stable version of python, vs something straight from master.
[18:02:48] skwingar: leaves
[18:03:10] thisgeek[m]: > Can I edit formulae myself?
[18:03:10] thisgeek[m]: > Yes! It’s easy! Just brew edit <formula>. You don’t have to submit modifications back to homebrew/core, just edit the formula as you personally need it and brew install. As a bonus brew update will merge your changes with upstream so you can still keep the formula up-to-date with your personal modifications!
[18:03:38] thisgeek[m]: jamie I guess you could try updating your awscli formula?
[18:03:45] thisgeek[m]: Haven’t done that befoer.
[18:33:07] skwingar: joins
[18:53:09] kenbolton[m]: saw one of these fly over constitution island on the morning of june 29. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Northrop_Grumman_E-2_Hawkeye