
This content is updated infrequently. The interesting stuff happens in real life.

Disco Install Notes For Ubuntu 12.04 LTS Precise Pangolin

Posted by: Ken Bolton 11 years, 4 months ago

Disco is a Python & Erlang implementation of the Map-Reduce framework for distributed computing.

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Freelancer's Calendar

Posted by: Ken Bolton 11 years, 4 months ago
  • January, they define budgets.
  • February, awards season & superbowl.
  • March, they reach out.
  • April, they hire.
  • May, they disappear without a trace.
  • June, they return with no explanation given nor expected.
  • July & August, we work and vacation.
  • September, we work.
  • October, we work.
  • November, we launch.
  • December, we ride.

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Neologism: CM-messy

Posted by: Ken Bolton 11 years, 5 months ago

When a Content Management System is used in such as way as to make it nearly opaque to both admins and end-users.

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Mezzanine Workflow

Posted by: Ken Bolton in devops 11 years, 6 months ago

UPDATE December 8, 2014: I now believe the `runserver` is an anti-pattern. All development should be on a VM.

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Deploying Mezzanine: Fabric Git Vagrant Joy

Posted by: Ken Bolton in devops 11 years, 6 months ago


In this demonstration, we will install the python applications `virtualenv`, `virtualenvwrapper`, the excellent open source Mezzanine CMS, and the Django "web framework for perfectionists with deadlines". We will create a basic Mezzanine project populated with sample data, run the Django development server, and access and admin of the site at

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